Welfare Rights chapters and our allies across the country are involved in a number of activities to eliminate poverty. We need your help to improve the lives of poor and low-income people! Here are a few things that you can do:
- Write your political leaders
- Congress is reviewing the 1996 PRWORA legislation and proposing reauthorization bills. However, many of the CURRENT PROPOSALS do not adequately address the needs of people on public assistance. We need you to tell your representatives what is needed!
Contact welfare rights groups
Call or visit local welfare rights groups in your community and ask how you can get involved in local and statewide efforts to eliminate poverty. Many of these organizations have little or no paid staff and rely upon volunteers for assistance.
Send in reports of economic human rights violations
With the Economic Human Rights Campaign we are collecting individual and group reports of economic human rights violations in the U.S. We intend to present this information to the United Nations as evidence of this government's failure to protect its citizens.
- Join the NWRU
- Low-income persons and others are invited to join the NWRU's poor people's movement to end poverty in the U.S. and beyond. Help us link up the struggles!
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