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Online News Articles

Here are links to online news articles published about the welfare rights movement, 1995 to the present.

NWRU Convention Draws Up Plans For Anti-Poor Budget CutsPeople's Tribune (Sept. 1995) 

Welfare Rights Redux. Z Magazine (Jan 1998)

The Voices of Marching Activists Call For Real Answers to PovertyNational NOW Times (Winter 2000) 

Welfare Organizing at the GrassrootsColorlines (November 29, 2000)

Revisiting the National Welfare Rights Organization. Colorlines (November 29, 2000)

Welfare Groups Rally in DC. People's World (February 8, 2002)

Welfare Rights Committee launches campaign to “Raise the Welfare Grants” in MN FightBack! News (July 26, 2012)

Welfare Rights Groups Still Working for Change. Northeast Ohio Coalition for the Homeless (August 15, 2012)

The Mothers Who Fought to Radically Reimagine Welfare. Code Switch (June 9, 2019)


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Welcome to the website of the National Welfare Rights Union! We are in the process of adding a number of important materials. Please check the tabs labeled "Historical Documents" and "Welfare Rights Warriors" to see our most recent additions. Your comments and suggestions are encouraged!

Message from Maureen Taylor, State Chairperson, Michigan Welfare Rights Organization

Colleagues; These are dark days for sure, as we each try to navigate our way thru events of the day that are filled with terror, fear, sadness and anger. Years ago, 9/11 became the single flash point that changed the world overnight when 21 men boarded planes intent on disaster. The 1% took hold of the aftermath and immediately instituted new rules and regulations that ended up securing tremendous profits realized by major aircraft industries and others. Safety was the "call" but prosperity was the goal. Today, a germ too small to see with the naked eye, has again changed the world. New conditions are being revealed followed by new rules that are sure to come as that same 1% is looking for ways to secure their financial control. We have all been thrown into the midst of confusion, lost in the shadows as we search for common sense and the way forward. What Is To Be Done? There are NO areas of living that are untouched by this horrific pandemic. Schools, jobs, meals